Show Notes

Ever since Facebook rebranded itself as Meta, the term “metaverse” has entered everyone’s vocabulary, but there’s still a lot of confusion about what it actually is and how it’s likely to affect our lives in the future. In this episode, Romeo Cabrera Arévalo, a data scientist working in the immersive technology space, joins Dr Genevieve Hayes to answer these questions and more.

Guest Bio

Romeo Cabrera Arévalo is a senior AI and computer vision researcher and engineer at Immersed, “the world’s first professional metaverse.” He is also an AI and tech advisor to the Board of Laboratorio iA, and has lectured in the Masters of Data Science program at the Escuela Superior Politéchnica del Litoral.

Talking Points

  • What is the metaverse and why should people care?
  • The difference between virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality.
  • The potential benefits of immersive technologies, both now and in the future.
  • The role of AI, data science and machine learning in the metaverse.
  • The types of algorithms and techniques that go into building metaverse technologies.
  • The “uncanny valley” and the challenge of giving avatars legs in the metaverse.


podcast cover art
Value Driven Data Science
Episode 8: Data Science in the Metaverse