Show Notes

In December 2022, OpenAI released ChatGPT for public testing and within a week of its launch, the user count exceeded 1 million. For many, ChatGPT provided a first glimpse at what an AI-powered future might look like.

In this episode, Dr Genevieve Hayes is joined once again by Dr David Joyner to discuss the implications of AI-driven technology, such as ChatGPT, for education, business and the world in general, and to finish their discussion of Georgia Tech’s OMSCS program.

This is the second part of a two-part conversation, which began in Episode 9.

Guest Bio

Dr David Joyner is the Executive Director of Online Education and the Online Master of Science in Computer Science at Georgia Tech’s College of Computing. Between 2019 and 2021 he taught a total of 21,768 for-credit college students, more than any other person on the planet. He is also the author of the recently released Teaching at Scale, and co-author of The Distributed Classroom.

Talking Points

  • The evolution of human computer interaction.
  • The role of Masters programs vs shorter courses in helping data scientists keep up with the latest technological developments.
  • Why ChatGPT is a game changer for education and business in general.
  • The opportunities and challenges presented by AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT.
  • The importance of understanding the context when analysing data.


podcast cover art
Value Driven Data Science
Episode 10: ChatGPT and the Future of Human Computer Interaction